Monday 25 November 2013


It is amazing how many opportunities life presents us with. What we have is the power to either say YES or NO. About a month and a half ago, I got a job offer. Well, this offer had almost everything that a recent graduate would probably need. At that time, I was leading a team of youth in organizing a blood donation drive. Taking this job would mean leaving what I was already doing and relocating. My heart swayed between going for this job (where I would get paid) and leading my team (where I would incur transport expenses and do work voluntarily). On one occasion, I received two emails urging me to take up this job. My sister was on my case to take up the opportunity. How would my uncle feel if I didn’t take up the job that he worked so hard to get me?

After about a week of thinking, I decided the job wasn’t for me. After all, I was looking for something that I really, really, really wanted to do. I wanted something that would bring me joy and satisfaction. Of course my sister was so disappointed in me. Little did I know that sticking to my leadership role was going to be one of the most fulfilling things. The blood donation drive was such a massive success. We exceeded the expectation of the blood bank by 12 units. The director of the blood bank was very impressed by what we the youth were doing. I was filled with joy at the end of the day for such an achievement. By remaining at the KiBO Foundation, I have been in position to listen to so many successful people speak to us, I have started my own business and I’ve made so many fantastic networks and partnerships. I even got to attend a business breakfast meeting where top entrepreneurs in the country shared insights on business with us. I got the opportunity to meet and speak with my business mentor Mr. Patrick Bitature. It was an honor for me. It was like meeting Richard Branson or Warren Buffet. Of this I'm sure; so many great opportunities are yet to come my way for sticking with my colleagues and being a loyal leader.

I am glad I no longer make decisions based on any financial gain but on what I can contribute towards the growth and development of my society.

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